Category / Others /

(£7 PER METRE) Straw Gels - FULL CTS, 1/2 CTS, 1/4 CTS

£7 per day

Item description

Fat Llama is no longer supporting the selling feature so in order to purchase you must rent out the gel for the number of days that match the amount of metres you need. (1 day = 1 metre)

Let us know via message the strengths and quantities you require of each.

Always message first so we can check our stock before placing an order.

There are no multi-day discounts.

Full Gel List:
- 204 Full CTO
- 205 1/2 CTO
- 206 1/4 CTO
- 410 Opal Frost
- 404 1/2 Soft Frost
- 251 1/4 White Diffusion
- 216 Full White Diffusion
- 441 Full CTS
- 442 1/2 CTS
- 443 1/4 CTS


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